サイトアイコン 福島県避難者生活支援・相談センター

Hello, we are livelihood support advisors!

What are livelihood support advisors?

Those who have just moved into a ‘kasetus’ temporary house might find yourself feeling rather ‘disorientated’ or ‘isolated’ in totally new surroundings, or sometimes ‘helpless’ as you have no one to turn to in case of trouble. There’s no need to worry. That’s when we, livelihood support advisors, are called for. We will be there when you need someone to talk to, or to provide information you need. We also help build a community in the new environment. The Councils of Social Welfare in Fukushima Prefecture are now hiring 157 livelihood support advisiors, and they should be ready for the operation soon. The operation has already kicked off in some districts.
